Thursday, April 06, 2006

5 Honest Seconds

"Five honest seconds can change your life.
- Taken from a book about the lives of pornographers found in a Venice Beach book store

The great lessons of one's life are very similar to stock market corrections: big swings in a positive or negative direction come unexpectedly. You are walking along going about your normal routine, then suddenly, you realize that what if you just don't do this, then your life will be utterly better. With this realization comes the hard part: practice. The great yogi Patthabi Jois states, "Yoga is 1% theory, and 99% practice." Same idea.

Well tonight, after having dinner with a lovely young woman, something became infinitely clear: Worrying about things before they can happen is a fantastic way to make yourself feel horrible. Obvious, I know, but it's something that I do and I have realized that others around me do as well. Instead of taking things task by task, I have a tendency to worry about what will happen if what I am doing doesn't go exactly the way I have planned. Specifically, this is most pronounced when I am in the office.

So, tonight the light bulb went on, the 5 Honest Seconds so to speak. And this is what I heard, "If you don't want to feel bad, then just do your work one piece at a time. When it's done, then keep your mind on what you are doing." Looks like I will get to go in tomorrow and apply the practice. Should be a great time.



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