Sunday, September 14, 2008

Liquor, Women and Tears

"Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the Bible says love your enemy.”
- Frank Sinatra

I wish that the title had something to do with my life, but it doesn't. In fact, I haven't had a drink in over a week, recently met someone wonderful, and haven't cried for quite some time. The title refers to a high-end retail store in Tokyo. I was researching pocket squares and came across this name. It's completely random, but it certainly caught my attention.

The writing well has been a tad on the dry side lately. There are about four pieces of writing I have in the hopper, but haven't been able to finish. I don't hit the "Publish Post" button until the word feel right, and I haven't been able to get to that place for a few weeks now. The pipeline is there, but it's missing something that I can't put my finger on. We'll see what happens.

As I mentioned, I met someone earlier this week that I am excited about. Looking back over the past seven years, I usually met somone that has the "WOW" quality once a year. This "thing" isn't always the same; there are usually certain characteristics that this feeling seems to lean towards. I'm still processing things here, but she has it. Sometimes these things take off and have a life and an energy all their own; other times they fall apart at the seems and disintegrate. We'll see how this one plays out.

Interestingly enough, I had an interesting conversation with a friend about love this past week. We both agreed that love is terrifying. If you are with someone that you really care about, you recognize that they have the capability to throw your life into a total tailspin very easily. I've never gone beyond the "love/terror" combination. I am guessing that depth and trust come after that part, but I wonder if the terror ever leaves.

Went wine scouting over the weekend. My cousin has a birthday coming up, she doesn't like a large fuss made about her birthdays, but she said point blank: "I will never turn down a good bottle of wine." It must be her Spanish heritage speaking here. I am pretty sure what I will get her. I just need to see if I can find the same bottle at other stores, and see if there is any price fluctuation that I can take advantage of.

Those are my thoughts for this weekend. We'll see if anything else formulates over the week and is worth of the "Publish Post" button.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Love is terrifying" Interesting because I would agree with you but not with what you said. I'm sure love is different for every person who seeks it. For me the search for love was terrifying. However I remember a great dinner at a little pizza parlor where you showed no fear at all. Once I'm in love it is a totally different story. My philosophy in general is to trust everyone (with some exceptions) and if I get hurt so be it. I've learned what I needed to know about that person. I'll survive and I'll move on. There is no use worrying about things you can't change.
An example I like: Imagine a planet sized comet was headed directly for Earth and would arrive in 3 days. You knew all humans would be dead. Would you worry about it? I say no. Tell your family and friends that you love them. Have some fine whisky. Relax. I digress...
Very few people find the one they are going to marry in the first few people they date. Most of us have to go through a dozen or more to find the right one. That means you will be hurt at least a dozen times. It is going to happen, so why worry about it? Let it happen. It is good to feel those emotions. Without sadness how do you define joy?
Once you are in love, and you truly know you would never do anything to hurt the other person. Once you know the other person loves you the same. There is no room for fear.
I'm rambling now...sorry.

1:10 PM  

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