Monday, April 30, 2007

Being Stretched

“The only thing in this world that doesn’t require effort is failure.”
- The 2 Mile Marker from the Scottsdale Running Company

So this week was a killer work week. Myself and the rest of the guy in financial reporting worked about 70 hours in four days. It was as thrilling as it was devastating. We had a deadline to meet, and “failure was not an option.” So we all dug in and cranked for four days. I’ve worked hard and with intensity before, but nothing like this. Even though this experience was challenging, the whole time I knew that we were going to be successful.

Looking back on my first interview, our CFO asked me, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Personally, I really don’t like that question. I always want to say, “Well, in a perfect world I will have made enough money to open a yoga studio in Norway, and I will be teaching yoga and managing the studio full-time, and traveling around Europe in my spare time." That’s usually not a good way to answer a serious question.

Anyway, I answered, “In 5 years I would like to be a fully formed professional. The type of a person that can handle challenging tasks, and make them look easy.” Well, after this past week, I know I am in exactly the right place to build the skill set of a “true professional.”

Some times we ask for things that are beyond our comprehension. I knew that I want to be a great tennis player, and went through the process of becoming one, only to discover that I just didn’t have that extra “something.” Now I am going through a different process to discover that I do have that “something” to be a true professional, but there is no easy way to reach this summit.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe. in norway!?


11:06 AM  

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